Pandemic, Budgets and Denial

These are extraordinary times. In the millennium city of Gurugram from where I sit and write this blog on a Sunday morning, there is pin-drop silence. I am so used to the metro trains whirring right past my building, or the sound of cars zooming on the main road below the elevated metro tracks. Today, … Continue reading Pandemic, Budgets and Denial

The Political Path for India’s Industry

Deep diving into history, India and China had been leaders of the world for a good two and a half centuries, beginning from 1500. The two countries have politically contrasting stories, but there was an unmistakable commonality of widespread cultural underpinnings in both countries. Over and above this, India was, and still is, heavily influenced … Continue reading The Political Path for India’s Industry

Does a corrupt government have incentive to accelerate public spending on education?

This is a suggestive theoretical article at best with zero empirical analysis. Comments are welcome Education has always taken the centre seat in economies at all stages. Different economies invest differently at different levels of education taking various variables into account. These include demographics, age structure, income levels, history, cultural variety, natural resources and more. … Continue reading Does a corrupt government have incentive to accelerate public spending on education?